Tuesday, August 5, 2008

This or That?

This or That? is a simple game where you need to write a pair of things in comment. The next commenter will choose which one they like more and then post another pair of things for the next commenter to choose from.

Here's an example:

Lady Maryann said...
Billy Bob or Aunt Arctic?

Dyla Ray said...
Aunt Arctic.
Pie or Cupcakes?

Queen Solita said...
Pie all the way! ;-)
Do your Math Homework or Play Nintendo DS? hehe

1. Do not use any racial or offensive words in your items.
2. Always answer the question above you before posting your question.
3. Questions doesn't have to be about Club Penguin. You can be creative.
4. Do not answer your own comment.

Source: Thanks to Aguair and Raining Water ;-)

I will post the first This or That? ;-)

*If you have questions about this game, please go to the Games Help Center and post your question there. Do not comment your questions here. Any comments that are not related to this game will be deleted.


Anonymous said...

Black definitely.
Homework or computer?

Anonymous said...

Sony PSP or Cellphone?

~Inspector Sunshine~

XSoccerBoy1997X said...

Cell Phone.Ham Or Bacon.

Club Dad said...


Metal or Plastic?

Anonymous said...

cool site btw.. this is chuckay ;-)

umm... metal? yeah... metal :)

ducky pajamas or choo choo train tshirt?

Anonymous said...

ducky pajamas!!! :) LOL :D

Straw000 or Mimo777??

Anonymous said...

straw000! very friendly!

chocolate or cheese?

Koko Quilatan said...

chocolate!!! (ooohhh i absolutely L-O-V-E chocolate!!!)

pokemon or digimon?

Anonymous said...

pokemon ; of course!

fried or steamed?

Anonymous said...

ooh! that's hard, i like fried chicken better but i like steamed chinese food better but since i eat more chicken, FRIED, i will go with FRIED.

Music or movies?

Club Dad said...

whoo! i'm back (:

I LOVE MUSIC! but also movies. i cant decide. ARH okay; MUSIC, as i dont really go to the movies, yeah? (:

inspector daddylonglegs

Club Dad said...

oh yes; the next!!

cheese or butter?

Rawr said...

BUTTER!!! i like it fresh from the udders ;)

lol ok:

word vertification or chairs?

Lady Maryann of CPCrazy said...

Chairs! eeewwwww udders! ;-)

Straight A's or Fame?

tutso said...

FAME! i already get straight a's :D

cookies or cake?

Anonymous said...

cookies, UHUH!! it's yummy and crunchy especially Famous Amos!!

Mozilla Firefox or Internet Explorer 7?

Lady Maryann of CPCrazy said...

this i gotta answer!


McDonalds or KFC?

Anonymous said...


French fries or baked potatoes?

Anonymous said...

OMG! Soooooo hard..... :-o oh well... baked potatoes- its less fatty, i think

Ballpens or Spare Spare Keys (the spare key of the spare key of the basement where little rats are :P)?

Glynnannsbff said...

ummmm ballpens!! how else would we write?!?!?!?! lol

i like blue u no but red & black is my schools colors! GO IV WOOOOOOO!!
yea...... no u pick for that^:)

Anonymous said...

obviously, red and black. blue is so out of season

*pickles or ampalaya (both are green and bumpy. pickles is sour. ampalaya is bitter but good when ginisa/ sauted)


john said...

Definitely ampalaya!

A cat or a kitten


Anonymous said...


Rotten or Junk???


Leclercian said...

uhhh frog.

Basketball or soccer?

-Inspector Bizarre

Anonymous said...

DEFinately Soccer!

I know!
brain or heart?

This is hard becase the heart pumps blood to the brain to tell you what to do and the heart helps you live. YOU ALSO CANT LIVE WITHOUT A BRAIN.A brain tells you to breathe. If you cant breathe you cant live. HAHAHAHA

Midnight Shadow

jato9 said...

i think you can live without a brain so heart
but i like my brain
but i'll go with heart


so hard

Stapi101 said...

SO HARD! I'll have to go with oreos. i love em! specially the mini ones.

hmm... ok....
Lady Maryanne or Mimo777

so HARD for all of you!
but SO easy for me
Lady maryanne, or course!
Lets see you answer that one

inspector cheese

tutso said...


tutso said...


i dont like mimo cuz he put lady maryann's blog in the worst catagory


go to this URL to see more about Mr.Cookie before you decide


~Vapnoar777~ said...

Sorry, Tutso. Mr. Cookie is certainly very cool, but, Billybob works for Club Penguin! So yup.

The Wii or Nintendo DS Lite?

Glynnannsbff said...

well i have both and wii plays wii & gamecube games while nintendo ds play nds games and game boy games but wii also takes memory cards and has internet but nds has pictochat and u can connect w/ ur friends but wii can connect wit ur friends and can have more than one player.....but nds if ur friend has it they can play too......wiis more expensive and cp nds is only 4 nds....I GOT WII but i still like nds

k that was long......cell phones or computer?

Anonymous said...


Ok, I'll take Cell Phones.

My one:

Music or dancing?

Anonymous said...

Creo que está ridiclous! Es casi la misma cosa! Estamos en plena rivales, que no son? Oh, espere usted no puede responder porque han dejado a este sitio!
Bueno en primer lugar, Danzas es demasiado duro para mí. E hilado en mi cabeza es Ouchy, y usted tiene que ser super delgado para hacer ballet. Y yo odio bailar con mi pareja de baile, Trent!
En segundo lugar, la música es mucho mejor porque usted no tiene que girar sobre su cabeza! Creo ....
Música defiantly!

Mi formado por uno!
Para tener una no tan agradable Abuela, o de tener una abuela que le hace chocolate chip cookies todos los días!
- Mi uno no!
And if you want to know what I've been saying, go to http://translate.google.com/
Copy what I've said, then paste it at the text box. Selct 'Spanish' then on the next arrow box select, 'English'. Good luck if you're doing this right now!

Anonymous said...

Rosa said....
I think it is ridiclous! It is almost the same thing! We are in full rivals, which are not? Oh, wait you can not answer because they have left this site!
Well first, Dancing is too hard for me. The spinning in my head is Ouchy, and you have to be super thin to do ballet. And I hate to dance with my dancing, Trent!
Secondly, the music is much better because you do not have to turn on its head! I think ....
Music defiantly!

I made up one!
To get a not-so-pleasant Granny, or to have a grandmother who makes chocolate chip cookies every day!
- My one does not!
And if you want to know what I've been saying, go to http://translate.google.com/
Copy what I've said, then paste it at the text box. Selct 'English' then on the arrow next box select 'English'. Good luck if you're doing this right now!

And I said...
Choccie Chip cookies!
Plus, you're the longest commenter I've seen!
Ok, my one:
Brussel Sprouts or Living with Jessica Simpson?

Leclercian said...

ewwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww definately brussel sprouts!!!!!!!

heres mine


KFC or Wendys?

-Inspector Bizarre

Anonymous said...

wendy's. i love their ice cream adn salad and burger and french fries.

whats wrong with jessica simpson, btw?

to be able to eat the most expensive and delicious ice cream for free or the chance to be the most famous person in the world for 5 days. (when i mean famous, i mean like everybody knows you and idolizes you)

Panpap said...

well, chucke didnt post her one, so ill just start again i guess.

I pod touch or Mac?

Im going through a tough time. I lost my closest family member :(

Panpap said...

oops. I didnt see chuckes. too long (no offense). sorry