You are on a mission once again, Inspector Crazy!

During the robbery at the Pizza Parlor, the suspected thief, Chester The Time Traveler from The Stage, had knocked down and unplugged the digital clock. It proved that the crime happened at 10:11. But witnesses said the suspect, Chester The Time Traveler from The Stage, was in the Coffee Shop until 10:30.
As the Inspector on the job, will you:
a. ARREST Chester The Time Traveler from The Stage and WHY?
b. Let Chester The Time Traveler from The Stage GO and WHY?
Solve the Crime, Inspector! ;-)
As the Inspector on the job, will you:
a. ARREST Chester The Time Traveler from The Stage and WHY?
b. Let Chester The Time Traveler from The Stage GO and WHY?
Solve the Crime, Inspector! ;-)
This Is SO Awesome!
I like the music too! ;)
But...Are....You ready for.....SUPER HERO PENGUINS UNLEASHED!?
"Penguins Unite!"
I got it...
Chester is a time traveler you see,and he can travel through time!
So he traveled throught time and robbed the Pizza Parlour!
He went throught TIME and did the CRIME!
Arest Chester at once and destroy his hat so he cant go in time again!
yea arrest chester! he is the criminal! He can go back in time after robbing the pizza parlor!
*Inspector Sunshine*
As a member of the I.C.I.A I would have to pick A. ARREST Chester The Time Traveler from The Stage because due to the crazily awesome time-traveling alibities of his hat he would have had EVERY opprotunity to steal whatever he had come to take from the Pizza Parlor (presumably the delectable pizza).
As me I would have to pick B. Let Chester The Time Traveler from The Stage GO because Chester was most likely only having some fun with his hat, and that pizza is really good and I would nick some if I had the chance... Wait, maybe I shouldn't have said that.
Signing off,
~Agent Vap~
Yes :) Cuz the crime took place at 11.01( from the pic) So the time was confused by the digital clock!!!
~Inspector Straw000
first, you would have to give him THE BENEFIT OF THE DOUBT. you don't want to be wrong. so, ask yourself.
has Chester's time traveling gone right or wacko in the past? answer: wacko
but that was just a play so could it have gone correctly? answer: yes
have we QUESTIONED Chester yet? answer: probably not
if we questioned him, could he lie? answer: of course
so the answer is not A or B, but it is to take Chester for questioning, and while asking him, either use a lie detector or his weakness: an expensive really cool time traveling hat.
- ~inspector cookie:-D~
yes chester probably unplugged the clock went into the future and robbed the pizza parlor then went back in time so suspects say the crime happened at 10:11 and i will arrest chester because when u can time travel u can get away with anything.
If chester first unplugged the clock and then go back in time, the plug would have been in, but there for he could have unplugged while he was in the past. Under all circumstances you must have evidence and witnesses. since the witnesses could not go back in time, they could not have been official witnesses. Therefore we have no witnesses, no evidence. We must investigate further
Inspector cheese
He did the crime and went to the coffee shop. If the crime happened at 10:11, he could have sneaked into the coofee shop and dere.
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